January 04, 2008

Postcards from NZ

Palm Beach, Waiheke Island

Auckland City (taken from ferry to Waiheke Island)

Pohutu and Prince of Wales Geysers

Simmering Mud Pools

Champagne Pool, Wai-tapu Thermal Wonderland/Area

Champagne Pool

Artist's Palette

Devil's Bath

(Special Thanks to dear hubby for taking the marvellous pics)


Lollies said...

wow! that geyser is really something that i would like to see. when i was in form 5 i made a project on geyser. but haven't seen a real one up till now.

Wow for the pics!

Earthmom said...

Thanks for dropping by , lollies. Glad you like the pics. It feels unreal to see these wonders IRL, only reading about in secondary too. Maybe I'll post a video clip of geysers on my blog later inshA (ie when I figure how to do that).

Swahili said...

The pics fantastic. capture the real essence of the subject. NZ is a place we alwys wanted to visit, but procrastinate...

Earthmom said...

Swahili, I'm a big procrastinator too but NZ is a great choice now that my family is based down under coz other continents seem too far away and it would be too hectic to travel with children on long haul flight!

S.U.E said...

the cityscape did look dreary but the other pics reminded me that NZ is one of must visit country b4 I die.

Earthmom said...

sunflower, hope you go there and take some spectacular pics for your blog. :)