November 08, 2006

The dreaded house inspection...

Every 3-4 months, the real estate agent would enter our rented property to check and see if there are any broken or faulty stuff to repair. At least that was what they claim to do in their letter. In reality, they are more interested in the general cleanliness of the place so before the agent came over, dh and I would do a thorough clean up of sort days or the weeks before. I am quite positive that I tidy, sweep, vacuum, polish and scrub this rented townhouse more than I ever did for my owned property in KL.
Someone rang the doorbell after I came back from sending my son to preschool. It was the agent. They sent an older woman this time I noted. She exaggerated that the walls are "very dirty" because of the smudge marks left by my children. "Not good!" she said presuming I speak very little English. I just nodded my head and muttered some English words. She then lifted the wiggles carpet in my kids' room to see if there were any marks underneath. Uggh! I never liked spot checks since I was in boarding school. I left her to inspect all the other rooms and then she left. Phew! Now we can relax a bit before the next scheduled inspection. When dd came back from school, she asked me what the agent said. I told her that there were smudge marks on the wall that needed cleaning. Dd said "Did she say anything nice?" I said "They never say anything nice." That pretty much sums it up.

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